The energy market shake-up is impacting organizations across the sector and beyond, from energy producers, network providers and energy transition technology specialists to major energy consumers.

Energy producers: towards a new market model?
In the short-term, rising electricity and gas prices are putting suppliers’ cashflow under strain. It is testing their operational resilience and organization. And it is calling for improved energy management skills to secure supply and margins. In the longer term, this recent episode marks the completion of a decade of liberalization in the French market and the start of a new phase shaking up the current market model in terms of the future of integrated energy providers, pricing mechanisms, profit sharing and the funding of electronuclear power stations.
Our expert teams help you find concrete solutions to the problems of ensuring energy sovereignty, maintaining industry access to competitively priced, decarbonized energy and protecting your company from market volatility.

Energy transmission and distribution networks providers: critical facilitators of the energy transition
The growth of France’s new economy is increasingly reliant on power networks. Playing a critical role in the energy transition and net-zero pathway, energy network managers must meet new, more complex needs faster while remaining efficient.

Energy transition specialists: adapting to new needs and meeting the challenges of scaling up
Electric mobility, hydrogen, biogas, energy efficiency… Beyond the energy value chain, the energy transition is becoming an issue for industrial companies, superstores and local authorities as decisions are made less centrally.

More generally all organizations: after optimizing contracts, adapting to a context marked by the return of actual energy consumption
Companies are faced with a multitude of new and mounting issues: How can we electrify power and decarbonize operations? What impact is decarbonized transportation having on the supply chain? Can we green our energy supply while reducing our exposure to volatility? Can biogas, power purchase agreements and energy efficiency initiatives help us achieve this? How can we take back control of our energy consumption, going further than legal obligations, like France’s tertiary eco-efficiency scheme (DEET)? How can we show solidarity with the energy system by reducing our consumption or participating in energy flexibility programs?