
People Transformation

For Julhiet Sterwen, the success of a transformation invariably depends on an organization’s ability to simultaneously manage four issues. People transformation is one of them.

People Transformation: why?

At Julhiet Sterwen, we see the emergence of the fourth industrial revolution. It brings up deep transformation to companies and organizations in terms of business models, client-centricity, agility, digitalization, and more. While all these transformations are being driven by business needs, their success depends on the women and men behind them. Transformations can only work when people are given wide-ranging support.

Purpose and commitment: critical to success

What’s the key to any corporate change? The commitment of the women and men who make up the organization.
For employees to be engaged in a transformation, they need to understand and own:

  • The strategy and purpose of the project, acting as stakeholders
  • Their roles and responsibilities in the project and the new organization

This means empowering them and providing the right operational framework for them to develop and achieve satisfaction. It’s a cultural transformation that must be managed at the individual and group level.

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Towards new styles of management

Managers play a central role in this cultural transformation. It’s a fast-evolving role that is being shaken up by digital technologies and changes in society.
These forces are driving managers to question their approach and their practices.

  • How can they transition towards a new role of manager as coach?
  • What new practices do they need to adopt as work becomes digital, collaborative and agile?
  • How can they develop their soft skills?

The client experience and the employee experience

Companies have carried out many transformation projects to achieve client-centricity, convinced of its importance. However, they have not always considered the impact on employees, which raises many questions:

  • How does changing the customer journey impact the daily employee experience?
  • How can organizations be focused on both clients and employees? How can they introduce more simplicity and clarity?
  • How can companies update working conditions to meet new needs
  • What kind of employee experience can best attract, retain and develop talents?
  • How can organizations effectively support employees during these changes, and update their practices on a wide scale to ensure no one is left behind?

Skills: thinking ahead

According to a Dell/Institute for the Future report, 85% of the jobs available in 2030 have not yet been invented. This uncertainty calls for a new approach to careers, focusing on skills rather than jobs.
Companies need to prioritize soft skills, which are essential to knowledge-building, collaboration and innovation.

  • How can organizations manage skills dynamically, anticipating future needs?
  • How should they update their knowledge, expertise and soft skills, making the most of individual characteristics, digital technology, learning innovation and cognitive science?