
French Public Sector

The French public sector transformation: combining service quality and financial constraints

For Julhiet Sterwen, the French public sector is facing a profound transformation in a changing social and technological environment. Each citizen is becoming a real “customer”. He expects high quality, more complete and more accessible public services. As a citizen, he wants to be both better informed and better listened to. Broadly speaking, he would like his expectations to be better taken into account.
This combines with the issue of administrative and regulatory simplification, particularly associated to the dematerialization of business processes.
Simultaneously, due to NOTRe law (January 2019) , a shift in territorial organisation is operating. It is concretized through the administrative redistribution, the skills transfer between communities, the pooling or merging of communities and the creation of new municipalities or metropolises.

A renewed vision of public organizations

The evolution of needs and expectations, simplification, pooling and resources shortage directly transform the public sector’s traditional values, as well as the way its agents operate. The French public sector must evolve to encourage the emergence of new public action and organization models, thus responding to the demand for quality of public services, the agents’ commitment and the performance of the business operating model. Public action quality and performance, pillars of the “Public Agenda 2022”, require a closer articulation between politics and public organization. This requires to improve and nurture public actors’ innovation capabilities, especially in the services way of working, but also in relations with the public, or in the way of thinking about management.

Our mission: to support the design and implementation of public strategies

In this context, we support many public service actors in the design and implementation of public strategies – state services and public operators, local public actors, social security organizations, Employment Services and European Institutions – particularly in the following fields:

  • Designing and deploying public transformation programs
  • Developing organizational agility and optimizing management performance
  • Leading innovation and utility design projects
  • Supporting the implementation of the digital administration
  • Deploying managerial innovation initiatives
  • Supporting agents, managers and project managers, true bearers of the public transformation
19/09/2008 - le peristyle, la colonnade et le fronton du Palais Bourbon

4 principles to better support the transformation of public organizations

1. Transforming culture by respecting values

We are committed to reconciling public service values and performance stakes, as well as integrating the political dimension of public action in its transformation.

2. Understanding and supporting the ecosystem

We rely on methodologies that take into account the organization and its ecosystem as a whole, including the expertise of agents – also public sector users and private partners, occasionally – as well as tools for analysing uses and projecting the effects that a given change will have concretely “on the field”.

3. Generating interest for the transformation

Our approach aims to promote the desirability of transformations initiated by the various stakeholders: public agents of course; but also the users, the citizens, the elected officials, the civil society …

4.Nurturing human capital

Finally, we place building and sharing skills, as well as sustaining action capabilities for each organization and public agent, at the centre of our interventions. We believe that without these key elements, it would not be possible to ensure the transformations’ durability.